Awake (Advent 1)
“But in those days, after that suffering, the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will be falling...
Dec 2, 2023

We get to carry each other
When I was in high school, in English class, we read a lot of dystopian novels. Classics, like Brave New World, A Clockwork Orange, and...
Nov 26, 2021

Witness Among the Stones
“Look at those great stones!” My tour guide pointed at what remained of the temple wall in Jerusalem. Massive stones weighing as much as...
Nov 12, 2021

Waiting in hope
The French philosopher Simone Weil once wrote that “waiting in hope is the foundation of the spiritual life.” We’re doing a lot of...
Nov 27, 2020

Raise your heads
This season of Advent is a time for us to get ready for Jesus to come into our lives. Advent is also a drama, one that deliberately...
Dec 1, 2018

I have a friend that I went to university with, we played hockey together, lived in the same residence. He liked to take naps in the...
Dec 1, 2017