Jan 22, 2022
Thin Places
Today’s gospel from Luke picks up on the text that we read two weeks ago, Luke’s account of Jesus’ baptism. You’ll recall that after...

Jan 7, 2022
What does it mean to be baptized? Seems like a good question for today as we gather to celebrate the baptism of Wendy, something we’re...

Dec 3, 2021
In the Wilderness
It matters how we begin. The gospel, the good news, begins in the wilderness. Great writers know that beginnings matter. Beginnings set...

Feb 19, 2021
With the Wild Beasts
“Jesus was in the wilderness for forty days; … and he was with the wild beasts.” What's up with that? What’s up with the wild beasts? As...
Jan 22, 2021
It's Time
There are moments that matter. Moments where we no longer think of time as 10am on a Sunday morning, but rather we think of critical...

Jan 8, 2021
Moments that Change Everything
Sometimes I wish that I could take the dove that appears in today’s gospel and wring its pretty little neck. Because we get fooled by the...

Dec 4, 2020
We are in the wilderness
We are in the wilderness. The gospel, the good news, begins in the wilderness. And let’s dispense here with any romantic notion of...

Jan 10, 2020
Where's Your Altar?
It’s a little awkward isn’t it? Jesus comes from Galilee to be baptized by John at the Jordan river. But John doesn’t want to baptize...

Jan 11, 2019
Make change possible
John went into all the region around the Jordan, proclaiming a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins. All the people were...

Feb 16, 2018
There is a movement in the gospel of Mark which repeats itself at the critical points of the gospel. That movement is from glory into...