Thin Places
Today’s gospel from Luke picks up on the text that we read two weeks ago, Luke’s account of Jesus’ baptism. You’ll recall that after...
Jan 22, 2022

The Opening Act
What does “God with us” look like? We’ve been building towards this. During Advent we sang O Come O Come Emmanuel, a song of longing for...
Jan 14, 2022

What does it mean to be baptized? Seems like a good question for today as we gather to celebrate the baptism of Wendy, something we’re...
Jan 7, 2022

Lessons for the Journey
Have you ever set out on a long journey, and when you arrived at your destination, realized you were in the wrong place? That’s what...
Jan 5, 2019

An Epiphany
So what do you think? Is this story of the visit of the magi to the infant Jesus a happy story or not? We tend to position it as a happy...
Jan 6, 2018
Epiphany. For All People
Homily: Epiphany, Jan 3 2016, St. Albans Readings: Isaiah 60:1-6; Ps 72; Eph 3:1-12; Mt 2:1-12 For those of you keeping track, today is...
Jan 1, 2016